HALLO! Haven;t posted for long eh? Sorry bout the birthay pics in case you were waiting for them... Times to enjoy... NOW!
See see? My birthday cake. Loves it XD
Another shot! Note that the sides are made of biscuits. And Sherilyn, ITS CHOCOLATE CAKE.
The view out of the window. :D Nice?
Btw, these white thingys are called gers. (Pronunciation: gears!) Mongolians live in it in the countryside. Its VERY NICE inside... :D But no toilet.. :O
My dad's colleagues. AKA the ones that planned my party.
Another view! Haha.
All of us and the horses!

This one's my favourite picture. Though I dunno why there's a cut at the bottom. Haha!
See? The lakes are frozen. And snow on mountains... Lovely view. :D
Anyway, my birthday was a great one. The only problem was that it was too cold... So after horseriding, we were freezing man... Then at night was fun. Everyone was crowding around and laughing and talking and singing. And drinking beer too. My sister and and my father's colleague son were playing scissors paper stone. If she loses, my dad drinks. If the other girl loses, her father drinks. My sister damn good player k?!In the end, that guy was incredibly DRUNK. Haha. He kept singing and laughing lorhs. So funny.
Oh well, gotta go. ITS NARUTO TIME. HAha! BB!~
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