Today's Mongolian New Year!!!
Wah, so sian. Anyway, Mongolians are going all asround visiting relatives. While the four of us in my family sit at the sofa and watch Tv all day. PIGS. :D
Anyway, I miss ya. When I dream, I see you in the sky. When I eat, I see you in my rice. When I---I *SUPER CENSOREDS!!!!* Haha. So happies, dunno why. Cause I calculated that there was only 17 weeks and 5 days left till 29June. I'll be back BY 1st JULY. And I'll be back in June. So it'll be abuot 29th June. haha. Anyway:
17 weeks 5 days = 124 days (OMG! SHERILYN! ITS 124!)
My birthday = January 24. January=First month= 1. 24= 24. =124
Thats why me and Sherilyn screams at THAT number. Hee~
124 days = 2976 hours.
2976 hours = 178560 seconds.
I remembered counting down the no. of seconds with Sherilyn.
Thinking back, it seemed like just yesterday.
Rushing around during recess downstairs so as to not wait for the queue.
Pulling each others hair.
Eating fishballs and LAUGHING.
Adding chilli and stuff into Fishball's drink. (Gosh, she drank it wothout knowing!)
Talk to Belle bout her boyfriend. (:D)
Listening to Priya say that I'm Sandaime Pengikage, AKA a PENGUIN.
Rememeber end of PSLE?
My blog post on that day was:
Wow! How fast time travels! PSLE is over! I can finally devote myself to band, hanging out with friends, and blogging!!! Today was SIMPLY GREAT!!! Tobad for those who didn't take Higher Mother Toungue. After collecting the papers, everyone was smiling and Sherilyn kept saying"YES! YES!" in loud whispers. There was alot of giggling around too. Then the external invigilator was like for those involved tomorrow... And everyone was like "huh?", and he flashed at the screen: Highest Mother Tongue 10th October 2008 8.00a.m. to 10a.m. Highest Chinese, Highest Malay and Highest Tamil. And then there was silence. Then giggling. Then everyone bursted out into laughter. The examiner smiled and said:"Now then you all laugh. You all really think have such thing ah? PSLE is... OVER!!!" Then there was applause and screaming and cheering. [Clap] "WOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" "AHHHHHHHHH!" and so on. It was so damn funny. Then met up with Sherilyn, Priya, Esabella, and Han Wen. We kept talking and laughing. The we formed a circle, and run round and round! We laugh and let go of our hands and fell down, laughing like crazy. Really, it was fun to hang out with these people cause they are as talkative and mad as me. :) Then I talked to Sherilyn as we carried our tables and chairs up to 6 Joy. Me: Aren't you just glad that PSLE is over? Sherilyn: [Sighs] Who said so? Me: Huh? Sherilyn: We still have to take Highest Mother Tongue remember? Me: What the?! [Both laughed like crazy] Me: But seriously. I am so glad. :) [Reached 6 Joy, arranged tables] Esabella: Hey you guys! Come over here!!! Me and Sherilyn: What? Esabella[holds up this mini spin-the-wheel thingy]: This was fishball's egg!!! [Me, Belle(Esabella) and Sherilyn laughed till we had stiches] Then after arranging...... Five of us[Belle, Sherilyn, Han Wen, Priya and me] spread out our arms wide and ran down, screaming"PSLE IS OVER! PSLE IS OVER!" Then we ran all across the hall, spreading our arms and jumping over bags, screaming and shouting in glee. Then Esabella sent me a joke on my handphone: How Did Dinosaurs Die. Once, when dinosaurs existed, cavemen existed too. They had prehistoric car racing, F1 [Food 1], where they competed for food. At that time, they had no traffic lights or rules, so they anyhow crashed anywhere, mostly into dinosaurs. So when the cars crashed them, they died. The meteorite was to cremate dead dinosaurs, however, the live ones also died because they were roasted by the meteorite. Poor guys :-( Anyway, Belle sent me that because all five of us are crazy bout F1[Formula 1](Not Food 1, hehe). Upon hearing the word F1 we would scream and shout. All because of... ***Secret*** Anyway: Thursday[Today]: Plaza Singapura with Sherwyn Friday: Band!!! Saturday: BBQ at Sherilyn's house Sunday: Church with Belle. I can't wait! So many things to do just RIGHT AFTER PSLE!!! Too bad Sherwyn's mum didn't allow her to go. Too bad, I guess... I hope there would be more. It would be so fun to hang out with friends. Especially when you are close with them, and it's very fun to feel open and scream, instead of feeling awkward. [That's how I used to feel to Sherwyn and Janice. When I'm with them, I hardly talk. I don't know why, but I feel kindda awkward.] I can't wait! And after all the fun in the hall today, I feel that: today must have been the best day of my life. Friends are really treasures, aren't they?
I loved that day. As I looked back to my previous posts in my old blog, I just laughed. When I get back, and meet up with The Random People, how would it be like? But then, its all over. The past is the past. So, I shall appreciate and treasure the PRESENT. :D Last time at Outram Secondary School Trip: Drew Elmo. Sherilyn and I were drawing them with stupid faces can? Haha. So having a blog is quite good. One day I'll look here and laugh. Its just great how things work, huh? Oh well. Go do EduLearn liaos. And to the Random People, I love yas. (P.S. I have decided to add 2 other ppl: Kimberley Vun and Dion. Haha. The more, the merrier!) Sayonara! <3
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
WOOOTS~~~ I have e-learning homework toos! Haha. Weird, I'm happy bout edu learn homework? WOW. Haha. Went to calss blog and saw... Wah, everyone hardly can log in. HAha.I went just now... Expecting ZERO PPL TO BE ONLINE, then POOF! 10 PPL ONLINE?! TUESDAY IS SCHOOL DAY RIGHTS? Haha. Then Zaneta told me: EDULEARN DAY. Haha. LOL. SO I'M DOING MY EDULEARN HOMEWORK! BYE!!!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Thanks for tagging, Zhenna. (: Nice to meet you.
Anyway, feeling very tired. Last night couldn't sleep. Sat by the window and looked at the stars... Wondering how was everyone. Stayed there for half an hour. Haha. Then went to sleeps... :D Anyway, I'm creating a new blogskin. Want it to be PINK, and, HAVE MY PICS. Also must have navigations. Haha. So wen to, took two skins with navigations and READ IT. (How do you "READ" HTMLs?) And then compare the difference. Used one of them on my old blog and added this, deleted this... etc... Then took my current blogskin (Without navigations one) And then compare again... So tired. Haha. But then IT.WILL.LEAD.TO.SUCCESS!!! Got some nice disclaimer and all those type of stuff for my blog... Wait for it~ITS GONNA BE GREAT :D
Thanks for tagging, Zhenna. (: Nice to meet you.
Anyway, feeling very tired. Last night couldn't sleep. Sat by the window and looked at the stars... Wondering how was everyone. Stayed there for half an hour. Haha. Then went to sleeps... :D Anyway, I'm creating a new blogskin. Want it to be PINK, and, HAVE MY PICS. Also must have navigations. Haha. So wen to, took two skins with navigations and READ IT. (How do you "READ" HTMLs?) And then compare the difference. Used one of them on my old blog and added this, deleted this... etc... Then took my current blogskin (Without navigations one) And then compare again... So tired. Haha. But then IT.WILL.LEAD.TO.SUCCESS!!! Got some nice disclaimer and all those type of stuff for my blog... Wait for it~ITS GONNA BE GREAT :D
Saturday, February 21, 2009
I want to apologise to someone. (Referring to the people as "a" and "b")
Sorries to you _______a________
I thought I always had enough trust in my friens. But I'm like all the other humans. Easily influenced. After hearing alot of bad things from _____b_____ about _____a_____, I laugh, not believing them. But then, after hearing alot, it began to wonder through my mind. Was it real? Was if ___________b__________ was telling the truth instead? I thought and thought. Then I scolded myself. Humans are always like that. If another person had been controlled by ________b_____ to tell me the same things bout __________a____________, I would have believed them. Why are humans like that? Oh well. I better learn to judge people by MYSELF, and not WHAT OTHERS SAY. LOL. End of post...
Sorries to you _______a________
I thought I always had enough trust in my friens. But I'm like all the other humans. Easily influenced. After hearing alot of bad things from _____b_____ about _____a_____, I laugh, not believing them. But then, after hearing alot, it began to wonder through my mind. Was it real? Was if ___________b__________ was telling the truth instead? I thought and thought. Then I scolded myself. Humans are always like that. If another person had been controlled by ________b_____ to tell me the same things bout __________a____________, I would have believed them. Why are humans like that? Oh well. I better learn to judge people by MYSELF, and not WHAT OTHERS SAY. LOL. End of post...
Friday, February 20, 2009
Was talking to Kendra. She's in band too ok! Wah~So many people in band sias. I MUST JOIN. But then percussion is like, she said, enough people liaos. She's right. Already got two drummers. And Zan said one of them can do that high hat trick. That means SHES PRO. AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I MUST GO AND BUY A DRUM SET!!! Lol. But then if cannot, I'll go string ensemble. I can play violin anyway~
But then I still love my drum set... How? Even though Andrea says I play better, I am starting to lose hope. But then, if STILL CANNOT, I go join Christian Fellowship. Oh well, but most of my friends in band. God has his plans, I hope. :D Oh well. I shouldn't worry bout that. I'll just lead my life and worry bout it later!!! Naruto load liaos... BYEBYE! :D
Was talking to Kendra. She's in band too ok! Wah~So many people in band sias. I MUST JOIN. But then percussion is like, she said, enough people liaos. She's right. Already got two drummers. And Zan said one of them can do that high hat trick. That means SHES PRO. AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I MUST GO AND BUY A DRUM SET!!! Lol. But then if cannot, I'll go string ensemble. I can play violin anyway~
But then I still love my drum set... How? Even though Andrea says I play better, I am starting to lose hope. But then, if STILL CANNOT, I go join Christian Fellowship. Oh well, but most of my friends in band. God has his plans, I hope. :D Oh well. I shouldn't worry bout that. I'll just lead my life and worry bout it later!!! Naruto load liaos... BYEBYE! :D
Sunday, February 15, 2009
HALLO! Haven;t posted for long eh? Sorry bout the birthay pics in case you were waiting for them... Times to enjoy... NOW!
Btw, these white thingys are called gers. (Pronunciation: gears!) Mongolians live in it in the countryside. Its VERY NICE inside... :D But no toilet.. :O
My dad's colleagues. AKA the ones that planned my party.
Another view! Haha.
All of us and the horses!
This one's my favourite picture. Though I dunno why there's a cut at the bottom. Haha!

Anyway, my birthday was a great one. The only problem was that it was too cold... So after horseriding, we were freezing man... Then at night was fun. Everyone was crowding around and laughing and talking and singing. And drinking beer too. My sister and and my father's colleague son were playing scissors paper stone. If she loses, my dad drinks. If the other girl loses, her father drinks. My sister damn good player k?!In the end, that guy was incredibly DRUNK. Haha. He kept singing and laughing lorhs. So funny.
Oh well, gotta go. ITS NARUTO TIME. HAha! BB!~
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